How to Enable/Disable Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) for a Client

To be able to enable/disable 2FA, you need to log into Jatheon Cloud as an MSP Admin.

Head over to the Client section and click the Edit option, which appears when you hover over the row of a specific Client.


There, you'll also see the 2FA column showing whether the Client has 2FA enabled or disabled. There are two states, OFF (if disabled) and ON (if enabled). 

When you click Edit, you'll be presented with several tabs, including 2FA.


All Clients will have 2FA disabled by default. To enable it, click the 2FA switch and it will change the state to 2FA is On


You'll get a notification confirming that you've successfully turned on two-factor authentication:


The 2FA column will now present ON for this particular client. 


To disable 2FA, click the switch and the settings will be reverted to the initial state - 2FA is Off.

When you've enabled 2FA for a Client, all the users associated with that Client will need to go through the 2FA flow to set it up. When a user completes it, the 2FA column will show that 2FA is on.


To learn more about the rest of the Client-related tabs shown here, check out our How to Manage Clients article. 


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