Note: please use Microsoft Internet Explorer or Microsoft Edge
1. Navigate to and sign in with your global admin credentials
2. Open a new tab and navigate to
Note: please make sure the account you are logged in with has eDiscovery Manager and Compliance Administrator permissions assigned.
The browser should load Office 365 Security and Compliance page.
3. Please navigate to the Search menu and select Content search
Once there, click on the New Search:
4. Under search query click All locations to select all mailboxes.
5. Click Add Conditions and select Date to perform a search based on a date range.
6. Click Save & Run
7. Give your search a name
8. Once your search is done and you are presented with the results click More and select Export Results
9. Select All Items and One PST file for each mailbox.
10. Click Export
11. Navigate to Export table and click on your Export
12. Once the export is done you you will be presented with the download option and Export key
13. Copy the export key and click Download results
14. In the eDiscovery Export Tool paste your export key and select your download location.
15. Successfully completed Export Task: