As an MSP Admin/Account Admin, you'll be able to add/delete a domain for each Client/your organization.
To do it, log into Jatheon MSP platform and:
for MSP Admin:
Head over to the Client section and click the Edit link that appears when you hover over the row of the client you wish to edit.
for Account Admin:
Go to the main header dropdown and choose the Company Settings.
Head over to the Domains tab:
Initially, you will see here the domain(s) entered during the Client Registration flow.
Once you click the New Domain button, you'll see the pop-up window where you can enter the domain.
Once saved, the domain will appear on the list. It will be possible to delete it by clicking the bin icon only in case there is more than one domain entered (since there needs to be at least one Domain entered). A double confirmation popup will appear for the user to confirm the deletion.