How to Manage Legal Hold Tags

As a Compliance Officer, you may need to preserve some emails and put them under a legal hold. To manage Legal Hold features on Jatheon Cloud, follow these steps:

  1. Log into your Jatheon Account as a Compliance Officer
  2. Head over to the Legal Hold section

There, you will see a table with all Legal Hold Tags, in case there are any. All Legal Hold Tags are shared between the Compliance Officers within your organization. The table consists of the following columns:

  • Tag Color – you can change the color directly from the table by clicking the arrow and choosing a new color in the color picker popup
  • Tag Name – the actual name of the tag
  • Tagged Emails – the total number of emails tagged with the Tag (link to the Search Results with this Tag preselected)
  • Expunge Time – always set to Indefinitely
  • Date Created – the date when the Tag was created
  • Created By – the email of the person who created the Tag
  • ActionsEdit and Delete action 

You can sort all the columns except for the Actions column. Initially, Legal Hold Tags are presented in alphabetical order. There is also standard pagination (set to 50 by default), but you can also present 10, 25 , 50, 100, 150 and 200 items on a page. 

Creating a Legal Hold Tag

To create a Legal Hold Tag:

  1. Log into your Jatheon Account
  2. Head over to the Legal Hold section
  3. Click the New Legal Hold Tag button
  4. A page will open up presenting the following fields:
  • Tag Name (max 30 characters)
  • Tag Description (max 200 characters) – optional
  • Tag Color (set to red by default) – click the down arrow to open a color picker


Editing a Legal Hold Tag

To edit a Legal Hold Tag, hover over a Tag's row. The Edit option will show up. Once you click on it, a page will show up, where you can edit the information about this Legal Hold Tag.

Once you are done editing, you can either save the changes by clicking the Save button (a toast notification will appear to let you know you've done it) or cancel the action by clicking the Cancel button. You can also delete the Legal Hold Tag by clicking the Delete option.

Deleting a Legal Hold Tag

You can find the Delete option under the More menu button (look for the '𝌀' symbol). Click on it, and a confirmation pop-up will appear, asking you to confirm the deletion since the Legal Hold Tag will be removed from all the emails where it was previously applied. 


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