Every user of the Jatheon Cloud platform can view Audit Logs. Depending on their permission, they will be able to view the following:
- User – can view only their own Audit Logs
- Account Admin – can view the Audit Logs of all the users in the organization
- Compliance Officer – can view the Audit Logs of all the users in the organization
- MSP Admin – can view the Audit Logs of all of the users belonging to their Clients
The Audit section presents the audit logs in accordance with the chosen search criteria.
Navigate to the Audit Section.
MSP Admin: The first drop-down presents the list of all the Clients managed by the MSP, as well as the name of the MSP that the Admin belongs to. If you can't find a particular Client/MSP, you can use the search box by entering the first two letters of the desired Client/MSP's name.

MSP Admin/Account Admin/Compliance Officer: After you select the Client/MSP (for MSP Admins), you can move to the next drop-down, where you'll be able to view all User emails associated with that particular Client/MSP (for MSP Admins) or to the Client you belong to (for Account Admin/Compliance Officer). You can select more than one user email by ticking the boxes next to them.

MSP Admin/Account Admin/Compliance Officer/User: Once you select all the desired Users, head to the next drop-down, where you'll be able to see the types of actions you're interested in. All actions will be selected by default, but you can select/deselect them as you see fit. You can use the search option to additionally filter actions by name.

The penultimate drop-down determines the time frame that is taken into consideration. There is a Forever option, which means any date in the past, as well as the Today option, which lists the actions performed on that particular day. You can also select any date range by choosing the desired dates in the calendar. Click the Apply button once you're finished.

The last field – Filter results… allows users to enter a Keyword (e.g. email) based on which the Audit Logs will be filtered. The Keyword will then be searched in the following fields and all the results will be presented below:
- User
- Object
- Term
Once you click the Search button, you'll see a list of actions that fit the criteria you have set previously. They are listed in chronological order by default, but can be sorted differently by clicking the column's name.
You can click a specific log to get detailed information about it.
The logs can be exported by clicking the Export button. You can choose to export the audit logs as a .CSV or .PDF file. Confirm this action by clicking the Export Audit Logs button and the download prompt will be presented shortly.

There will also be an option to Reset all the chosen filters by clicking on the Reset Filters option on the right from the Search button.
You will notice that some audit logs have an eye icon with View Results tooltip. The eye icon appears only for the logs that are related to the Search Results, so that you do not need to click on the audit log row and then again on View Link, but you can get redirected directly from the audit log table to the appropriate Search Results.