In order to view and manage users, you first need to log into Jatheon Cloud platform as an MSP Admin, Account Admin or the user with the appropriate Manage Users permissions.
Under the Users section, MSP Admins can manage all the users belonging to any of their clients. In case of an Account Admin, only the users belonging to his/her Client will be presented here.
Once logged in, head to the Users section of your MSP Admin/Jatheon Cloud platform.
MSP Admins
Select the Client from the drop-down list and if you can't see it right away, use the search box by entering the first two characters of the Client's name.

After you've selected the desired Client, the list of all Users associated with it will be shown. Users are initially listed in alphabetical order based on the First Name, but can be sorted differently by clicking the column's name.
Account Admins
Once you head to the Users section, you will be presented straight away with the list of all the users belonging to your client here).
One of the options you'll see is New User. Once you click the New User button, a page will open p. For the creation of a New User to be successful, make sure you've entered all the data that's labeled "required".
- Email (required) – the email address of the New User.
- Status (required) – determines whether the New User will be able to log in once he/she sets up their account, with Inactive meaning no and Active meaning yes.
- Role (required) – the role associated with that specific User.
- First Name (required)
- Last Name (required)
- Phone Number (optional)
- Job Title (optional)
Once you fill out the fields and click the Save button, a toast notification will appear stating that the User has been created. You can also cancel the action by clicking the Cancel button.
To manage an existing user, go to the list item which contains that user and click the More menu button (represented by the 𝌀 symbol). A menu will appear presenting you with 4 different options:
- Activate/Deactivate – changes User status.
- Log in as This User – gives you the ability to view the platform from the User's perspective.
- Initiate Reset Password – in case your client's user is having trouble resetting the password.
- Delete – deletes everything related to that particular User.
If you hover over a User's row you'll be presented with the Edit option.
Once clicked, a page will open up, giving you the opportunity to edit the information related to this User.
Once you are done editing, you can either save the changes by clicking the Save button or cancel the action by clicking Cancel. You can also delete the User by clicking the Delete option.
Once you tick the boxes on the left, bulk actions will become available, giving you the chance to activate, deactivate, and delete multiple users at once. If you choose to do so, you'll get a toast notification informing you on the exact number of users that have been activated/deactivated/deleted.
