How to Configure Exchange 2010 Journaling

Affected software version: Exchange 2010
Role: Admin

Configuring Exchange 2010 to work with Jatheon's cCore archiving appliance is a 3-step process.

The first thing that needs to be done is to create an SMTP contact so that Exchange knows where to send the journaled messages.

The second thing we need to do is create a send connector so that Exchange knows how to send journaled messages over to the Jatheon archiver.

The third thing we have to configure is journaling, the mechanism Microsoft uses to send a copy of each message from Exchange over to the Jatheon appliance. 

Open your Exchange Management Console.

Go to recipient configuration and create a new contact under your mail contacts. You can call it JatheonTest. The important part is setting the external email address. The email address that you will put here is journalmaster@fqdn of the Jatheon appliance (for example: ). This is the email address on the Jatheon appliance that will be used to receive all the email from Exchange.


Now that we have our Jatheon archiver mail contact ready we can go and create the send connector.

Under Organization Configuration, find Hub transport settings. Check for the Send Connectors tab. Here we want to create a special connector that will route email to the Jatheon appliance. Use the right click to create a new connector, call it Jatheon and leave the connector as custom. The address space for this connector will be the FQDN of the appliance ( and the cost should be 1.

The newly created Jatheon connector should have the lowest cost of all existing connectors on the Exchange server. Make sure that you increase the cost of all the other existing connectors to be at least 9 apart from Jatheon connector (10, 20...). Use the cost option under the address space tab to adjust this. This will not affect your environment. It just allows Exchange to choose connectors wisely. 

We can use the DNS to route email to Jatheon, but it is much faster if we don't even query the DNS. Instead, you should use the option Route email through the following smart hosts and apply the necessary settings. This means that all email destined to the Jatheon appliance will go directly to it. Since there is no authentication for the Jatheon appliance, leave it as none. If you don't have your default Exchange Server, you can add it in the next step.




The only thing left to be done is journaling configuration.

Once again go to Exchange Management Console and under the Organization configuration find Hub transport.

Choose the Journaling tab, right click to create a new journaling rule, name the rule (Jatheon) and then select the contact that we created in the first step (send journal reports to email address). It will be a global rule, so the copy of every message that comes in or out of Exchange will be sent over to the Jatheon appliance. Leave the mail recipient blank and enable the rule.





Need more info ? Please take a look at the short tutorial video :




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