When you log into Jatheon Cloud, the first thing you'll see is the global Simple Search page. This page will allow you to search through all the archived emails.
You can read more about the Simple Search functionality here:
To access the Advanced Search options, click the search field (the magnifier section) at the top of the menu and then go to Advanced Email Search tab.
First, choose the appropriate Date Range, by selecting From and To Date.
Hint: Change months by ticking the single arrow or navigate through years with double arrows.
Don't forget to Save the changes you've made while choosing the date range.
The Forever slider in the From Date section means that the starting date for your search is the oldest archived email.
The Forever slider in the To Date section means that the end date for your search is the most recent archived email.
To find out more about the Calendar, read this article.
To create an extensive search that matches your keyword or phrase, click the floating button Add Block.
This option will add a Search Block, allowing you to create a really complex query that can help you filter the exact group of emails or a specific archived email.
You can add an additional Search Field within the Search Block as well by clicking on the + Add Field option.
In the added field, you can specify your search criteria in more detail.
The first drop-down menu under each Search Field lets you additionally narrow the part of an email you are searching through. You can even choose to search emails by total email size or by attachment size:
The second drop-down menu lets you select the search criteria. For example, "Contains All" will match the entire text you typed in the "Keyword" field.
The available fields in the second drop-down menu will depend on your choice of Search Fields under the first drop-down menu.
Note that you can add as many Search Blocks as you need. You can add multiple Search Fields under each Search Block.
Hint: The Boolean logic between the blocks is always OR. Between the Search Fields within the same Search Block the logic is always AND.
You can remove excessive blocks by clicking the Remove Block option. To remove an extra Search Field within a Block, use the trash can icon:
Here is a list describing all search fields and field conditions:
Search Fields:
This field searches only for the Sender of email and nowhere else. It can be a single word, first name or last name, an entire email address or domain or different combinations.
This field will search only in Recipient(s) of emails, in To section and nowhere else. It can be a single word, first name or last name, an entire email address or domain, or different combinations.
This field will search only for Recipient(s) of emails that was/were added in the CC section and nowhere else. It can be a single word, first name or last name, an entire email address or domain or different combinations.
This field will search only for Recipient(s) of emails that was/were added in the BCC section and nowhere else. It can be a single word, first name or last name, an entire email address or domain or different combinations.
This field searches only for the actual Sender of email (in case aliases are used for FROM field) and nowhere else. It can be a single word, first name or last name, an entire email address or domain or different combinations.
Recipients (To, CC, BCC)
This field will search for all recipients of the email that were added in any of the following sections: To, CC or BCC. It can be a single word, first name or last name, an entire email address or domain or different combinations.
Mailbox (From, To, CC, BCC)
This field will search for Sender and Recipient(s) of email that were added in any of the following sections: From, To, CC and BCC. It can be a single word, first name or last name, an entire email address or domain or different combinations.
This field will search only in the Subject section of emails and nowhere else. It can be a single word or more words, first name or last name. It can also contain numbers, special characters, or any combinations of previous things.
This field will search only in the Body section of emails and nowhere else. Your query can be a single word or more words, first name or last name. Here you can also use numbers, special characters, or any of their combinations.
Message (Subject, Body, Attachment)
This field will search in all sections of emails: Subject, Body, Attachment – File name and Data/Text Inside the Attachment File (even if the attachment is in zipped file format). It can be a single word or more words. Here you can also use numbers, special characters, or any of their combinations.
Attachment – Text/Data Inside the Attachment
This field can search in 2 sections of email: Attachment (File Name) and Text/Data Inside the Attachment Files, depending on the condition. It can be a single word or more words, letters, numbers or any of their combinations.
Searches for emails exchanged between the entered participants. Once this search field is selected, there will be two fields to fill in. They should be populated with the email addresses of the 2 participants whose email exchanges we’re looking for. Both fields are mandatory and the entered emails will need to be valid. The search will go through From, To, CC and BCC fields where one participant is the sender and the other one the recipient and vice versa.
Message Size (KB)
The system will display only emails larger than X KB if you select the Larger Than condition. You can set it up in reverse manner, using the other condition – Smaller Than. In this field, letters or special characters are forbidden. You can use only numbers.
Attachment Size (KB)
The system will display only attachments larger than X KB if you select the Larger Than condition. You can set it up in reverse manner, using the other condition – Smaller Than. In this field, letters or special characters are forbidden. You can use only numbers.
Email Direction
Searches the emails that match a specific email direction, e.g. Internal. You can choose Is or Is Not as a predicate so that you can get presented with all the emails that belong/do not belong to the chosen email direction out of Internal, Incoming and Outgoing.
Internal email - FROM: one of the Company domains; TO, CC, BCC - only Company domains
Incoming email - FROM: domain that doesn't belong to any of the Company domains; TO, CC, BCC - any
Outgoing email - FROM: one of the Company domains; TO, CC, BCC - at least one email that doesn't belong to Company domains
Searches emails tagged with a specific tag.
Email Type
Searches emails with the specific email type, e.g. Bloomberg. You can choose Is or Is Not as a predicate so that you can get presented with all the emails that belong/do not belong to the chosen email type.
There could be 5 different options for the Email Type:
- Bloomberg
- Calendar
- Voice Message
Searches for emails with the following options:
- Contains Any Note
- Does Not Contain Note
- Contains specific phrase - where the user can enter the search term that will be used for searching through all the notes that are related to emails that are according to the rest of the search criteria
Field Conditions:
This is the list of all conditions for all the fields. Under this list, you'll find a detailed explanation of every listed condition. Most of the conditions are repeated for similar fields and are exactly the same. Some fields, however, have unique conditions.
Contains All
If you specify more than one keyword, search will display only those emails that contain all of the specified keywords. If only one keyword is not found, that email/message will not be displayed.
Proximity Search
Searches through emails/attachments using multiple keywords occurring within a specified number of words from each other.
Contains Any
If you specify more than one keyword, search will display all emails that contain at least one of the specified keywords.
Contains Phrase
If you specify more than one keyword, search will display only those emails that have all the words in exactly the same order as specified in the query, not just anywhere in the email.
Does Not Contain Any
If you specify more than one keyword, search will display only results that don't contain any of the specified keywords. If there's only one keyword found, that email will not be displayed.
Does Not Contain Phrase
If you specify more than one keyword, search will display only those emails that don't contain all the words used, but only if they are in exactly the same order as specified, not just anywhere in the email.
Smaller Than
With this option, you can only use numbers. If you use this option in combination with To, Cc, Hidden etc., search will display only emails that have a smaller number of recipients than specified by your keyword. The condition is just smaller, not equal or smaller. So if you're looking for 3 recipients in To, Cc or Hidden, remember to use 4 as the keyword.
Larger Than
With this option, you can only use numbers. If you use this option in combination with To, Cc or Hidden, search will display only emails that have a larger number of recipients than specified by your keyword. The condition is just larger, not equal or larger. So if you're looking for 3 recipients in To, Cc or Hidden, remember to use 2 as the keyword.
Starts With/Subject Starts With/File Name Contains
These options only appear and are relevant only for Attachment search criteria. Search will display only those emails that have an attachment whose file name starts with/has a subject that starts with/contains a desired keyword.
File Name Does Not Contain
This option only appears for the Attachment search criteria. Search will display only those emails that have an attachment but not with the specified file name.
Content Type
This allows you to search for type of file in the attachment: Text, Image, Audio, Video, Application and Other.
Contain Keywords
Searches the field that contains any of the specified words in the Keywords List.
Does Not Contain Keywords
Searches the field that doesn't contain any of the specified words in the Keywords List.
Contains Tag
Searches for emails containing the specified tag.
Does Not Contain Tag
Searches for emails without a specified tag.
In Group
Searches the emails of users from a selected group.
This opens up another dropdown where only the groups that the user is allowed to search through will be listed.
Advanced Search Example: In this example, we're going to search through any email sent by using the Forever option. We'll first add a few more search fields to filter the exact archived email.
In the first search field, we used the following criteria: search through the email Body with the complete match of the word "help".
In the second search field, we used the following criteria: search through the To field of an email matching the "gmail.com" phrase. This will allow us to filter all emails sent to this domain.
In the third search field, we used the following criteria: search through the entire email Message (Subject, Body, Attachment) matching the phrase "request".
Finally, in the fourth search field, we used the following criteria: search through the From field of an email, with the complete match of the chosen phrase - "nigel".
Execute your search by clicking the Search button.
And here's the result. We filtered the exact email matching all these conditions:
Note that if you have multiple results matching your query, you can additionally sort the results by: From, To, Subject, Date, Size or from Oldest to newest or vice versa: