Jatheon Cloud archiving solution synchronizes with Office 365 in three areas:
- Azure AD User, Group, and Administrative Units (AU) synchronization
- Microsoft Teams synchronization
- Legacy data migration
The following are detailed requirements for each:
Azure Active Directory User, Group, and AU Synchronization
Jatheon Cloud allows an organization to synchronize one or more users, Groups, or AU's from Azure Active Directory to Jatheon Cloud.
User Synchronization
User synchronization allows synchronized users to use Single-Sign-On for accessing their archives. It also allows Jatheon Cloud to get newly added users automatically and disable recently disabled or removed users.
User synchronization is an optional step in deploying Jatheon Cloud. The alternative is to create local Jatheon Cloud users manually with the same email address and use a local password.
The data synchronized for each user is:
- Name
- Email addresses
- Phone numbers
- Job Title
The passwords are not synchronized. Jathen Cloud will use the SSO mechanism for all user authentication from AzureAD.
Group and AU Synchronization
Groups and AUs synchronization will allow the organization to deploy Group and AU-based compliance officers who have access to their member data only.
Synchronizing Groups and AUs is an optional step in Jatheon Cloud deployment.
The permissions required for both the User and Group/AU synchronization are:
Microsoft Teams
Jatheon Cloud allows archiving of all data from Microsoft Teams. Teams data is accessed through the Microsoft API.
Microsoft Teams archiving is an optional add-on product in Jatheon Cloud deployment.
The permissions required for Microsoft Teams archiving are as follows:
Legacy Data Migration
Jatheon Cloud utilizes Microsoft Journaling functionality for all new email acquisitions. The journaling process is for new data only, the existing data on Microsoft Exchange or Office 365 can not be acquired by Journaling. Jatheon performs a one-time legacy data migration to acquire all existing data using an in-house developed Jatheon Auto Migrator (JAM) migration tool.
JAM use is optional for migration. The alternative is for the customer to provide all existing data in PST or EML format. This can be accomplished using a variety of Microsoft management tools.
The permissions required for JAM to access the existing mailbox data and perform the export are as follows: