How To Expunge Emails From The Archive

Permission level: 
Account Administrator

There are two options to Expunge specific emails from the archive. 

  • Retention Tag
  • Classification Tag  

Both of these options work only when the Global Expunge Rule is active. 

The Global Expunge rule is set based on your retention policy and the maximum value is 40 years. 
By default, this rule is set to an Indefinite value. 

Once the default value is changed, to e.g. 40 years, the rule is considered active and it will remove EVERY email older than 40 years, once per day. 

It will also remove EVERY email tagged with a Retention or Classification tag with a custom expunge date that can be a minimum of 30 days. 

Any email tagged with a Legal Hold tag or any custom tag with an Indefinite value will be skipped.

To activate Global Expunge Rule navigate to the drop-down menu, located next to your initial in the upper right corner and click Company Settings 


Navigate to the Retention tab and click Change Expunge Time.  Set it to the desired value, recommended is 20 years.



1. Retention Tag:

The retention tag allows you to specify a custom expunge period that will affect all emails tagged with it. 

It also gives you the ability to specify an advanced search module that will automatically tag all emails matching it and the custom date range. (all emails in the past, based on the custom FROM date and any new incoming emails based on the custom TO date). 

The minimum expunge period that can be set with a retention tag is 30 days.  This means that in order for the email to be removed from the system it needs to be older than 1 month.  


2. Classification tag:

The Classification tag gives you the ability to specify a custom Expunge Date for the emails tagged with it. 

This means that on the exact configured date, all of the emails tagged by this tag will be removed from the system. 

It also allows you to specify a custom date range from the affected emails and advanced search to automatically tag matching emails. 


CAUTION:  Once the email is removed from the system it cannot be restored. Please make sure that your advanced search and date range are properly configured. If you have any doubts, please contact Jatheon Support to assist you. 


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