Overview: Resource Requirements
Client to provide for the Migration:
- Up-to-date backup of the Barracuda email archive (the backup has the structure of a large number of 1GB zipped files).
The Jatheon Support Engineer will need to be able to mount the share with the Barracuda backup files. This should be either NFS or CIFS share. The Client needs to provide access to the share from the Jatheon appliance and credentials if any.
- A Team Viewer session on an idle machine that has the ssh connection to the Jatheon appliance.
You can use the following secure link to download and run the Jatheon password customized TV instance: http://get.teamviewer.com/jatheon_quick_support
Responsibilities of the Jatheon Support Engineer:
- Mounts the share to the Jatheon cCore appliance.
- Phase 1 of the migration process: The Jatheon Support Engineer runs the script that unzips and converts the Barracuda backup files into .eml files that can be ingested into cCore. The expected conversion speed is 500-800GB/24h.
- Phase 2 of the migration process: The ingestion/indexing of converted eml files. The expected speed: 2-4 M/24h depending on the cCore appliance model, number of emails, number of emails duplicates and structure of emails.
- If the Barracuda backup is over 5TB, Phases 1 and 2 are being done simultaneously to speed up the migration process. Assuming that the client has 50M emails in 5TB Barracuda backup files, it will take roughly 3 weeks before all emails are migrated and searchable (depending on the cCore appliance model, number of emails, number of emails duplicates and structure of emails).
- Note that the Barracuda backup files are zipped, so after the ingestion process, the expected disk usage on the Jatheon side will be 8-10% higher than the Barracuda backup itself. After the Phase 1 of the migration (unzipping & conversion), the overall size grows by 20-30%. However, since Jatheon uses advanced disk utilization and single instance storage, the actual disk usage growth is only 8-10% compared to the original backup size.