As a Compliance Officer, you'll be able to add a note to a specific legal case so that you have all the case-related data at one place.
To view all the Notes added to a Case, you just need to:
- Head over to the Cases section
- Find the Case you want to add the Note to and click Edit
The Notes tab is the fifth one. There, you can find the list of all the Notes that have been added to a specific case.
The following columns will be shown:
- Date and Time
- Note
- Created By
The latest 50 notes will be initially displayed, but you can easily change the number of items per page to 10 or 25.
If you want to add a new Note to a case, you will need to:
- Click the New Note button
- Enter the note text (max 200 characters)
- Click the Save button
You'll be presented with the success notification confirming the action.
You'll be able to Edit a Note by clicking the Edit option in the More Menu (represented with ...).
You'll also be able to Delete a Note by clicking the Delete option in the More Menu (represented with ...). You will be asked to confirm the deletion of the selected Note.
Please note that all the Case Notes are shared among the Compliance Officers who belong to the same organization.